When I think of brand characters the first things that comes to mind are cereal brand characters. They hold a place in my heart. When I see them or think of them I find myself reminiscing about the good 'ol days when I was young. The ones I remember the most fondly are: Tony the Tiger, The leprechaun from Lucky Charms, Toucan Sam from Fruit Loops, Snap crackle and pop from Rice Crispies and the Trix Rabbit.
I remember Toucan Sam and all the adventures through the rainforest. He was so cheerful and always seemed to share a fun little fact. I recently went to the Fruit Loops website and found that Toucan Sam is still very prevalent in their marketing, only now he has 2 side-kicks, his nephews! When you enter the site it takes you to a location around the world (when I entered the site it took my to Egypt) where you find Toucan Sam and his nephews in an Egyptian setting where every item on the page is a different game. (All branded of course). Talk about top of mind awareness.
After looking at the Fruit Loops website I was interested to see which of the other brand characters I love are still in use and if they have changed since my youth. Next I looked at Tony the Tiger, the Frosted Flakes website. Tony is prevalent on the site, but not like Toucan Sam. Frosted Flakes' big campaign is "show your stripes" which focuses on kids getting active. I remember that Tony was always associated with sports, basketball is the one I remember, so it's good to see he has kept his personality over the years.

Next I looked at Trix and the Trix Rabbit. What did I find?? Trix are not longer available in Canada and I can't find their website anywhere!!! How disappointing. What else? They changed their cereal chunks from fruit shaped to little balls. Spheres aren't exciting!
Last but not least, I checked out the Rice Krispies website. Snap, crackle and pop are probably the most well known cereal brand characters around. What did I find? Front and centre to help navigate the website is Crackle. An animated moving character. I wouldn't say the website's main focus were its brand characters but none the less they are still there! :)
Oh how I wish kids cereal wasn't so expensive. I think I'll go to Mac's and buy some Fruit Loops anyway.
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